Tailor-made for your company
With more knowledge you get further - no matter whether you are active with your company in trade, gastronomy or hotel business or in other areas of the wine industry: Well-trained employees are motivated in their work and create more added value for your company.
For companies that want to train their employees in wine, we offer customised in-house WSET courses tailored to your company's needs.
All courses are led by experienced wine experts and combine in-depth knowledge with practical skills.
This is a convenient and efficient way to improve your employees' wine knowledge and better position your company in the competitive wine market.
bespoke masterclasses and training courses
In addition to our WSET courses, we have even more to offer: customised training programmes tailored directly to your company's specific needs.
With years of expertise in wine education, we don't just provide advice, we create customised training programmes that are tailored to your company's exact needs. Our courses are more than just information transfer; they are a catalyst that takes your employees' wine knowledge to a new level.
Led by experienced wine industry experts, our training courses are based on scientific principles and practical applications.
Our aim is to strengthen your team's wine expertise in the long term, maximising the added value for your business.